Steve Gold
Slow to get out of bed this morning. That’s how I’d describe my morning. As I was laying there I began to think, what is my motivation on the day? I know I have some things to do, but I didn’t feel compelled to get to them. This type of thought doesn’t run through my brain very often. There’s probably a few reasons for it right now. The most prominent one has to be there’s no real deadline. While I generally operate real well without them, I’m getting the impression that today, I’m restless without deadlines. This will pass.
In thinking about the concept of a deadline I have friends who have been wildly successful. They built a business made tons of money then decided they wanted out and sold. Made large chunks of money and now travel, and talk of doing other things, but then never do. While I’ve never approached the subject of if they feel lost without the job or lack of deadlines, I have to imagine there’s a point where getting up and having no goal, and nothing to do can actually be a road to despondency.
I’m aware that mine is only fleeting. I’m pushing myself right now to put these words out into the digital ether-space. I have a theme to write. I have songs to practice and commit to memory. I have a radio interview tonight (UMR) <– listen at 8 p.m. Mountain Time. There are other things coming. However I’m feeling like I’m in limbo and that will eventually push me to take action.
Despite that, I’m rolling with a song that was presented to me a great song for my blog about Yoga. I had a bit of a chuckle about that when I opened the email, mostly due to the fact that I don’t have a blog about yoga. While I’ve got several years worth of posts here on Single of the Day, and I’m sure I’ve mentioned yoga as it pertains to the beachbody P90X and P90X2 workouts I do, SOTD is not about yoga. Though in thinking about it right now, I’m in a two week break from working out before I start another 90 day adventure of getting into better shape. That’s another thing that is likely part of my ponderings this morning.
The track is Unstruck Chord by Steve Gold. It’s based on a poem by Lorin Roche. I found it to be a nice little relaxing tune. There’s a spirited feel to the guitar playing. I get a sense that Steve probably listened to a bunch of Cat Stevens in his formative years. Maybe some Michael Hedges and some of the other great acoustic guitar players and song writers. Steve’s voice has a velvety flow over the top of music. I’d liken it to feeling of a soft tissue of a cover that is gently folded into the mix.
In a way I’m feeling a bit unstruck today. I’d attribute that to the restless without deadlines aspect of my day. Which means it’s now time to go make some. What’s your deadline today? Does Steve’s song help relax your stress as you achieve your goal? It should.
Wonderful read! Thanks for sharing ~
Welcome Steve.