An on the go day. A little frenetic. Thought I’d be rerecording a guitar thing today. Ended up not needing it. Helped a friend with a yard sale haul this morning. Then came a picnic and hang. That was a bunch of fun.
Thus because of being out late last night to see Eagle Eye, which is a really damn good movie with a political message that will go over the heads of probably 90% of the people that see it, and I recommend seeing it. Tied with getting up early and having to be on the move ever since, it’s only now that I figured I’d do a twofer.
Welcome to what I believe is the first back to back artist showing on Single of the Day. I think I needed an instrumental break. I also wanted something rocking and exploring. That’s how I felt rolling out in the auto up in the Angeles Crest forrest today. A load of fun.
Still the power, still the guitar, the bass and the drums. It’s that oomph that kicks ass.
Enjoy, and may you do it with someone you really dig.