It’s interesting how getting a shelter puppy has changed things around me. The way people react towards me has become way more friendly. It’s an interesting change. There’s a transformation in how I interact as well. It’s a good change. Even better is that it has led to another business partnership that can lead to some great things. The result so far has been several good phone calls. Additionally I’m getting meetings with new agents for things away from music. I had a meeting yesterday that went very well. Still a little early to tell what’s going on with it, but it felt very positive.
I can’t wait until Dorian is a couple weeks older and a little bigger so that I can take him to the dog parks and up Runyan Canyon. A veritable meeting grounds of people in Los Angeles. Lots and lots of doggies there. Of course Dorian is an instant magnet for people which is great. One thing I realized this morning is that our hair color is currently very similar. Hmmmm. Odd.
The common word is that dogs age at 7 times the rate of humans. Which is interesting. I suppose being a dog would mean that it would be ideal to live life in the fast lane. Instead dogs tend to chill, eat food, go on a walk, then chill some more. Do we need to take a cue from that? Maybe.
Rush certainly has a couple of tunes about dogs and this one came up in my library search today. I am a fan of Rush for the musical factor that they bring. Definitely not about their looks with that band. Of course they’ve been around forever so that’s part of the massive appeal that they have. I’ve seen Rush in concert a few times a few years ago. They don’t do opening acts any more, nor do they need to. They’ve got so much music in their catalogue that they can play for hours on end. Which they do. I’m not sure they’ve done this song live, but I know I have a different impression of the song now that I own a puppy.
Don’t have the song and you love it? Go get it now!