I remember when I was first learning to play guitar. There was an older friend of mine who was in a band and knew lots of songs. Far different from the path of learning to play that I was embarking on. His name was Victor and his drummer buddy was T.J. They were a good pair of buddies. T.J. was actually a better drummer than Victor was as a guitarist, but there’s always someone that can do something you can’t. I do remember hanging out with them from time to time attempting to pick up on stuff to make me a better player. One of the things I remember is the music they were rehearsing for shows. They played lots of cover songs.
Being that we were in Utah, the music was about 10 years behind the times. That’s just the Utah way in terms of radio and such. There are still stations there that primarily play music from the mid 80’s hair metal era. It never went away – and yes people do still have mullet hair cuts there. I can’t knock it, because there was a time in my life when I sported a mullet, it was a short time. That sets up the fact that the music they were putting together was material from bands like The Police, AC/DC, and The Cult.
I can’t remember precisely what their bass players name was because I never really got along with him, so we didn’t chat much and I was much younger than them. Maybe his name was Dave. Anyway, I can remember when they started playing this song. I was surprised at how simple it really was from a guitar playing stand point. I think the reason was at the time, I still didn’t have all the ability to play that I wanted. Also because the guitar part sounds more involved than it really is. It’s one of those illusions. Sometimes easy stuff sounds more difficult than it really is. Sometimes hard stuff sounds much easier than it really is.
Their band was called Throbbing Girth. I didn’t get it at the time, but I do now and that’s a funny name. There was another Cult song that they used to do as well, it was called Love Removal Machine. I never purchased many of the Cults albums because I was too young. I’ve since added some material to my iTunes library. From what I understand The Cult was pretty big. At least in Utah they had a good response based on what Vic and T.J. would tell me. I know I had heard of The Cult. They do have a pretty good cross section of songs that I’m familiar with from listening to certain rock stations in Utah (remember they were behind the times and maybe they still might be).
I don’t know a lot about the Cult. But I’ve read and heard they were quite popular. Heck I several several of their singles and I can understand the appeal. If you aren’t familiar with them, or are looking for a good classic rock then I’m saying, you can certainly stop and explore here. They have a lot of hit singles and a cool website to explore. Pick it up.
(** Disclaimer: If the Cult’s label decides to set me on fire, I’ll have packup the audio and ship it out to the trash. The post will remain only because I said so. **)