Last week I mentioned a lunch meeting with a little label. Well that has turned into something that I’m going to explore. The idea is to take songs from famous bands and turn them into songs for babies to sleep to. Strange, but one of the bands listed that they need seems to be a cool twist. The the deal they offered wasn’t the best offer I was looking for, but if I do it a certain way, then I’ll be able to fight for something I want in the deal. That I can tolerate and work with.
Thus this afternoon after running a bunch of errands, I’ll be laying down the tracks for the lullaby. Should be a fun project that could turn lucrative.
Being that I’m gonna go complete opposite on the music today and I’m bracing for light and mellow, I’m going to go for classic, loud and fun. KISS baby.
Thus it’s Rock And Roll All Night for today. Get the blood pumping and the hands waving. It’s definitely an anthem for the party set crowd. Easy to play chords and a simple melody with simple words to sing along to. The epitome of KISS – keep it simple stupid.
Not much more to say other than, if you don’t have it, why not?