It’s the final stages of putting something together for the library. Spending a good deal of time today redoing some edits to have an additional two CDs to have them ready for the meeting tomorrow. Then later tonight it’s going to be seeing a little seminar on A&R peeps from the major labels.
Thus it’s time to get rolling on it.
Here’s a little ditty you can put in your earhole in the meantime and enjoy. Goodbye Earl is an early song from the Dixie Chicks. There’s a band you probably don’t hear about very often any more. It’s a bizarre song in that it’s got a bit of a feel good attitude in the music and melody, but the lyrics state something completely different with a story about a guy who done a girl wrong kind of thing.
Snappy drums, sparkly guitars, a well rounded bass and a group vocal that is pleasing to the ear is what makes this a song that you want to hear again. Unless of course your name happens to be Earl.
Get something done with your day and hopefully it doesn’t have something to do with offing someone else.