Breaker, breaker, we’ve got a level 2 snow emergency…
What the hell is a level 2 snow emergency? I saw that as a headline this morning. Isn’t it funny how some areas of the country create some language that really makes no sense? Having spent a number of years in mountains snow is an expected thing in winter. My mom was here in Los Angeles last week and had to time her trip back to Utah based on the weather. She made it back home in a nick of time as the snow where she was going was coming down hard. However, there was no level 2 snow emergency. Actually I don’t know what those levels mean anyway. A Utah level 5 could be a chicago level 3 for all I know. Utah doesn’t do levels. The weathermen there speak in terms of how much snow will fall.
Seeing as how I’m in Los Angeles, I’m not sure we’d ever see much snow here either.
And now for something completely different…
I was typing yesterday about an adventure from the night before yesterday happened. Well, yesterday morning proved that once again, we humans and can tend to over think things. Or rather this human writing this blog can. Why, oh why, do I have a brain that thinks too much? I ended up finding my bluetooth headset, it was still in the car. That’s a good thing. The sunshine I brought via the adventure actually made it to the intended person and brought some happiness to the world. Though it was an adventure to find out what had happened. All is right with the world and the over thinking proved to be worthless.
Typing of over thinking, I had another friend Mike, that sent me a message on facebook about him having insomnia from processing too many thoughts. Like alcohol for an alcoholic or drugs for a druggie, thoughts for someone with a brain that can’t stop thinking is an addiction. He told me that he has to constantly think just one more thought and then he can go to sleep.
I didn’t ask what he thinks about, however, I’m pretty sure that there are a few things that people would constantly think about to a fault. Taxes would be one. Money would be another. But above all others would likely be what one thinks about someone the care about or a person of desire (be it of the opposite sex or same sex). At least that’s my take on how people are. Nothing fries more brain cells than thinking about someone else and how it relates to you. Right?
Which brings me to a song I have in my library thanks to a former flame in my life. This may be a first for me as I don’t believe I’ve had Mary on here before. There’s not much need to expose a star, but the song title and the story sort of fit the concept of the post. This is the sort of song that hits all the right buttons. Perfectly played parts that are all arranged and mixed to perfection.
So kick back, enjoy the snow emergency and sip some cocoa to Mary as she tells us a story about a guy thinking about a girl.