Last night was the first of a series of things I made a list of to do for 2009. That was to have a night once a month where I get friends together to play games. I had poker nights in the past, but I have a feeling they didn’t work out because of the buyins. Board games on the other hand only require you to have fun. So everyone brought something. they came, we ate and we played. I anticipated a 5 p.m. start and that it would maybe go to 9 p.m. It went until 12:30. Not shabby.
The best thing about it is the laughter.
At a time when so many people are diggin themselves out of holes it’s a beautiful thing to laugh. Laughing makes so many things seem unimportant. It’s a sense of relief. At least it is to me. Do you get to laugh much? Try it some time, you might be surprised to find out that it will make you feel better.
Of course there are other things I’ve been doing like the random drives, and yes I did one of those yesterday too. That’s been fun exploring areas of where I live that I haven’t seen before. If you haven’t taken a couple hours out of a week or day or month to see the world around, it might be a good idea to do so. What you see might surprise you. It has me.
Ah fun. I’m going to make a little break in the music… Today you’re listening to Dave Attell and his bit about missing the fun. Pretty self explanatory. Funny stuff. Tomorrow will resume with the music thing. Enjoy.