As I mentioned yesterday I’m working up a little speech for a friend of mine to use at a major music conference happening over the next week or so. The infamous SXSW. I’m about to sit down and make sure I get a decent video recording of it in one take. That sounds easy don’t it? But it’s not as easy as you’d like to think. 🙂
I’ll be tackling that in a few minutes so that I can post a link of it here on this post. Then I’ll be making calls to the prospective sales people I’ve been talking to and that I really like. Slow but steady progress is starting to happen.
Here’s the video:
I’ve got to get to creating some more music for the library. In addition, I got an email while I’m writing this about a song placement in a major indie movie. It’s turning out to be a pretty good day so far.
Today’s song is another song called Cut To The Chase. This is an instrumental guitar oriented song done by Steve Morse. Steve Morse is a guitarist who has been around for a long time. An amazing guitarist that a lot of musicians and guitar players look up to him. Amazing chops. And an ability to write some interesting melodies. Enjoy the blazing chops and the video and your day!