To pretty much anything in the world there is perception and there is reality. Most often that sort of behind the scenes magic or reality is known in entertainment, especially in movies. However, it lives in our every day lives as well. Take for instance, stuff. Anyone ever hear or see George Carlin’s bit on stuff? How much do you know about the reality of the cost behind it? Where did America get its mentality of collecting stuff? Is stuff sustainable? It’s an interesting thing to think about and applies to lots of stuff.
What to know a little about stuff? Visit: Story of Stuff.
You might find there’s a whole lot about stuff you didn’t know.
In the meantime, I encourage you to listen past the verses in this song. It was brought to my attention by my buddy Chris. Normally I’m not into this type of thing. But I swear to you it gets better when it hits the chorus. It’s night and day different. To the point where it makes me scratch my head and think what’s the reason behind the screamo in the verse?
Technically it’s very well produced. Clean, well mixed and heavy. It’s a guitar players modern metal wet dream. Probably why Chris wanted me to hear it. Very much right up his alley. Word from his ether is that the blokes in Scar Symmetry are extremely cool dudes and are starting to break out big in the genre. It’s not hard to hear why.
As far as screamo goes, this is quite commercial in sound. Being the closet guitar slut that I am, it’s a combo of the fun guitar work and the good mix that has me taken in by this. Plus I really like the vocals in the chorus. And in case you didn’t know, it’s the same guy singing and doing the screaming. No kidding.
While you’re devouring this, I’m going to be thinking about the Dark Knight. I may get to see it today.