Later today, or rather later tonight, I’ll be speaking as a panelist to a conference of people involved in copyrights and music. I’m excited to be doing it. The idea behind this is having people who are gate keepers to music answer questions and having composers who do the music they need to help with those answers. The hard part will be not attempting to answer with long winded blurbs. Thus I’m looking to keep it fairly simple and hope that I get a bunch of tuesday quotes that I can use later. Chances are they will too.
I’ve done several panels in the past and often my answers/stories then to draw a lot of positive feedback. Either I’m a good story teller, or I’m full of a lot of good information. In some panels, I’ve ended up monopolizing the answers. Even on call in radio it’s happened. I tend to ask about it after it’s over and the organizers say – it was brilliant. Thus I leave it at that.
In thinking about this concept for today, I realized there’s not as many songs as I thought that would be about this day of the week. There’s Tuesday Afternoon’s by the Moody Blues. There’s Tuesday’s Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd and the cover by Metallica. But the most famous has to be the ditty by Cat Stevens. Thus I’m rolling with Tuesday’s Dead. How’s that for a feeling for quotes and quotables?
A brilliant piece of acoustic work. That’s the best way I can describe it. Not to mention that it really has a fantastic melody to boot. Powerful combination that’s for sure.
Hopefully you’re getting your day off to a much more lively start than dead. Wouldn’t be much of a day if you weren’t alive for it. At least that’s my assessment. Go forth and this a prosperous day filled with awesomeness. Then you can look back and grab some tuesday quotes for your future. Don’t let monday’s and fridays have all the fun. Right? Or do I now sound like Rebecca Black?
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