The world must be spinning slightly sideways for the past week and a half. At least it has for me. Generally when it starts to move like that it’s time to step back, take a breath and refocus energy in a different direction. I had a nice long chat with a family member so I could work on sorting things out. It always helps to get some outside perspective when your heart is overpowering your head.
I’ve finally come to a conclusion that I knew I needed to do, but really held off on wanting to go thru with it. Based on examination of things going on though it’s hard to ignore.
Which leads me into todays song by a blues legend. Oh what a legend it is. The story of mystery and intrigue that surrounds Robert Johnson is probably one of the most curious there is in all of music history. How he died, why he died, and the circumstances around that death and his music are amazing. Did he sell his soul to the devil? We’ll likely never know.
The title of this track speaks volumes. There are a large number of us out there in the world who can relate to the concept of loving someone in vain. No doubt about it. Robert sums it up in his instantly recognizable style. Such a formative powerhouse when it came to the delta blues. He set the stage, the bar and the excellence that musicians to this day are still attempting to measure up to when it comes to the blues.
It’s not fun when you come to realize when you’re doing exactly that… Loving in vain.