Something weird is going on this winter. The whole idea of snow seems to have disappeared. Normally when temperatures drop to 10f there’s some snow to go with it. I’m betting the resorts are stressed out big time. There’s a real lack of snow. Now in the past week it get bizarre. Bizarre in that I got a chance to get out and ski and that particular day it was 53f. WTF?!? With swings like this I’m wondering if it’s time to visit Georgia.
Seriously, if there is weather like this, I’m beginning to think it’s time to visit the South right now, since it would likely be a milder form of their summer. Have I been to Georgia? Once. It was not during the summer. In fact it was a tad chilly at the time I went. I have the feeling the right now it would be slightly different.
Interesting factoid that I heard last night is that Atlanta’s airport is the busiest in the world. That was a moment that made me think really?!? How is that possible with airports like JFK, LAX, London Heathrow, etc… Places where there is tons of planes constantly. I guess I don’t understand the traffic pattern of Atlanta and why it would have more business than a hub like LAX or JFK.
Today I’ve got a video by an artist named Ethan Hanson. No, he’s not one of the Hanson brothers. I have to wonder if he gets that a lot. For some reason there seems to be strong ties to his video to John Mayer. While I could understand those ties, I think a better reference would be to Marc Broussard. Come to think of it I think both those artists have songs about Georgia. Could it be because all of them have spent a good deal of time there?
Regardless, I’m hearing Ethan to be a more countrified version of Marc with a smoother, mellower voice. Certainly a good quality to have for the type of music he’s creating. Watching the video it’s easy to get the sense that Ethan knows Georgia has a comfortable and relaxed feeling. Maybe that’s the real allure.
I’ve got to bounce on up and get a some music mixed. So get yourself over to your favorite digital links and purchase Ethan’s song. Hopefully wherever you’re at the temperatures aren’t swinging all over the map. Whatever your day is like it might be time to think about a trip to visit Georgia.
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