Gotta do it once in a while. What’s that? I have to plug myself now and then. Such is the case for today. After a week of little malfunctions that left this past week void of daily singles, I’m getting in a little plug of myself for a radio thing I’m doing this afternoon. I’ve been asked to come do an interview and performance today on Ok, so that begs the question, is it really radio anymore? What is Pandora, but a random on demand station. What is but radio streamed on the net. In fact there’s a lot of stations moving beyond the world of terrestrial broadcasting because the whole concept of listeners can then go global. Such is the case of say Radio Paradise. From what I understand they could be the largest internet only station. I know I’ve had my music played on Radio Paradise. They have a great format and are led by an actual DJ from an era gone by where the DJ who loved music was able to blend from one song to the next and choose the music they loved to play.
I think that is the key to success – do your thing and do it well. From what I can tell RadioBuzzd is on it’s way to doing that. They’re bringing in the music they like. They’re covering the things they love. The trick at that point is finding the audience that loves what you love and will listen.
Anyway, since I’m gonna be on today at 4 p.m. performing songs live and taking questions I figure you ought to know and you ought to tune in!
To that end, I’m going to run out a song here on Single of the Day that I’ll be doing an acoustic version of today. It’s Hero Unexpected. I dig the song so much that I even got a tattoo of it on my arm. I believe in it that much. Tune in to hear how I deal with it live all by myself.
In the meantime enjoy the full production value I did in the recorded version. Don’t forget to buy it and add it to your collection. Why? Because it’s an awesome uplifting song, that’s why. Plus I wrote and I would be happy to have you happy in buying it.
Have a great and heroic day!