I’m amazed that the psychological community hasn’t come up with this diagnosis yet, the Post Traumatic Girl Syndrome. Maybe they have but since I’ve never been to therapy I wouldn’t know. Any psychologists reading this blog ought to contact me and let me know.
I imagine it has to do with the concept of getting over someone you really care about it. Or someone you wanted to get to know but they didn’t want to get to know you. There’s probably varying degrees or categories for PTGS.
Of course I’m kidding. I think there are way too many disorders out there. Which are likely not really disorders at all. It could be a way to sell more drugs for the big drug co’s. That’s my humor and I’m stickin to it.
On the subject of songs. There are tons and tons of songs written about the subject of the opposite sex and the aftermath of it all. Then there are the songs like today’s pick, being about the questioning of it. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet is just such a song. A straight up rock song of attitude that explains that whole thing of hey, I like you but what the hell are you doing with an idiot instead of me.
Pretty simple. Pounding drums. Twanging guitars. Pushed to distortion vocals. Thumpin bass. It’s all in there. Mixed up and swirled into a groove that makes ya want to stomp your feets and toss your head around.
Have you got it?
Then go get it!