When I originally opened Single of the Day as a blog [I had had the domain for a while before that for another idea] I figured I’d be doing a little part to help musicians get a little extra coverage for their music. Blogs were getting out of the infancy stage a couple of years ago when I kicked into it, but yet still growing. Over the past several years I have been privy to hearing some really good music, which I show here and that has been really cool.
Last week while at a Grammy party I was talking with an artist that I’ve featured on Single of the Day who told me that I’m doing a really good thing. A few weeks back I had met Marian Call while she was on tour here in Los Angeles. Her response was the same. She told me it’s been amazingly hard to get reviews and that I’m doing a really good thing. In fact, a lot of the feedback I get is very positive.
When people ask if I make money off the blog the answer is: not exactly. It might equate to pennies a month. It’s a labor of love and I’m doing what I can to help others out.
Recently a friend of mine mentioned that it’s a whole lot about being a good listener, speaking very little and waiting until you’re questioned about what you do. I had already been doing that right around the time I started the blog. As soon as I had stopped being so over the top about my music and such, more people became way more interested.
Additionally he always speaks of helping others. If you can help someone else out, it’s often that they will in turn help you out. I called him today to directly offer him help. He was a little taken aback I think. Mostly because we’ve never really spent time saying we’d help each other. He couldn’t think of anything at the top of his head that I could do, but he really thought it was a cool offer.
With all that about help, I’m going to turn to you the reader/listener to ask for suggestions to help me improve the blog. What could I do in order to increase it’s snazziness? What kinds of things should I branch out with? What would entice you to tell all of your friends about the blog? I need your help.
In the spirit of putting good energy out there, I’m going to present and old standard of Christmas music, Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer. The infamous reindeer that was ridiculed but ended up being the saving grace for Santa on a foggy Christmas eve. Much like a bunch of the people who helped me out during the making of this Christmas extravaganza.
The opening little piano lick sets up the very obvious melody that is the crux of the song. Then it kicks in to a retro rock vibe that pushes the song along. I have to go shout a yelp of glee for Dannielle Gaha who did all the female backing vocals. Superb! Then there’s the interesting guitar solo provided by Avril Lavigne’s old guitar player Devin Bronson. Of course I have to thank Chris Hellstrom and George Leger III for the all the recording help as well. Kudos.
Have a great day!