Ever had a moment in life where your heart is pounding in your chest to the point where it feels like it’s going to pound so hard that it will burst right out of the rib cage. That was my morning. I had to do something this morning that nearly paralyzed me with doubt. In the actual act of doing what I did my heart was pounding like it was going to burst out of my chest and I was shaking. Not because of major exorcise. Probably more out of doing something that I think people rarely do.
After the moment of truth, my body calmed down. From there it felt more like the confidence I have been missing.
Good thing that I’ll be getting together with a bunch of friends, my dog and going on a hike. The sun is up. No clouds in the sky. Temperature is moderate. It’s a fantastic day to do a hike.
Without being to much more lazy lets get to the song.
I’m rolling with What A Fool I’ve Been, mostly because it has taken me so ridiculously long to get to the point that started my morning. I should have been ready for it a year ago. Maybe I should have been listening to this song more at that time. Not that I’m listening to it so much now. Actually the idea of the title is why I’ve chosen the song, but the lyrical content is not really in relation to what I’m talking about – not as much as the title is anyway.
My favorite Crystal Lewis song by far. I really dig the drum loop and the haunting guitar parts. The vocal is ethereal and floating over the whole shebang. It’s a great combination of what is a very trance like type of song that still feels like it has gone somewhere. It’s contenting.
Don’t you agree?