The order of the day is phone calls and emails. Follow up and follow up. That’s a whole lot of what happens behind the scenes in music.
For me it’s pushing more of the library and working on finishing songs. Plus there’s a little project I got involved with where I’ve been asked to create some lullabies. However, the due date is coming up and the label hasn’t provided me with the notes to the mix to finish it. Knock, knock McFly…
The song for today has to be in reference to an old song from the band Blondie. The song is about wanting someone else to call you. Mostly for the concept of love. But hey, that can apply to business too, right? I mean getting into a business relationship is bit like a love/hate kind of thing.
I’m sure it applied in Blondie’s relationship to their label too. Doing all this music that was turning heads back in their day and maybe they had a hard time with their people too.
The whole hurry up, get it done last week and wait a month from now for results kind of thing.
Go forth and make your connections.