There comes a point when you start getting too much stuff coming in and you need additional hands and minds on tasks. Such is the case for what’s starting to swirl around in my world right now. The beauty of it is I’m the one getting the calls to do writing and production work. That’s a great place to be in.
I’ve started putting the feelers out to hire interns for my corporation. Start building the team so to speak. I’m wanting to get fresh hands to build it with. I almost feel I need a hiring manager of some sort just to take care of getting the people needed to grow the situation.
I started meeting with some interns this morning, but already I’m finding that people don’t take themselves seriously. One intern couldn’t find the place to meet, called, got directions, then never showed. Next. Then the next intern was late to showing up because they didn’t have the phone number. While they made it, they then mentioned they got another job already – why not call and save yourself the trip? Another mentioned they had googled the website and was surprised at all the stuff that came up.
Here’s to the search for good people. I guess I never fully understood why people appreciate the fact that I do what I say I’ll do. But attempting to hire someone else to do what I’m asking and what they say they’ll do, I’m realizing, most people say one thing and do another.
Who can elaborate as to why? Are that many people lost in life? I wonder.
Is it really that hard to Shine? I would hope not. But then I just do stuff and people tend to take notice – is that shining? Well here’s a tune by Brazz Tree that came to my attention last week. I really dug the string arrangement the moment I heard it. It’s very lively, very playful, and definitely sounds like it was recorded live and not with some sample library. I dig that.
As an aside: With so many companies asking for music with certain elements but not wanting to pay for the musicians to perform it, it’s because a world of sampled sounds. Thus real orchestration is becoming more of a niche than reality. Same with live drums, and other instruments like guitars, basses, and such. I’m guilty of using samples now and then for instruments I don’t own, but I’m doing everything I can to bring in musicians that do play them and do it with the actual instrument and recording the performance. It’s the kind of thing that sets the music apart. I had a discussion this morning with a co-writer about a song we wrote last week for a TV show. The request was for a sound that requires live mic’d sounds. I love that.
Back to Brazz Tree…
Another thing that interested me is that they’ve been hired to go perform in a country that I’ve wanted to learn the language of and of course visit, the Netherlands. I though that was pretty cool. I like the vocals when they kick in, very commanding and confident without sounding forced. That’s what I like all the way around about Shine and Brazz Tree, it doesn’t sound forced. It shows in the music. Is shows that they care about it. The mean what they’re doing and doing it well.
Love it? Go buy it and Shine!