That’s a twist on a line I once heard in a movie. I think it was spoken by a character played Eddie Murphy. I believe the original line was something to the effect of lack of pussy makes you brave man. They’re both able to be proven true. The second one is generally for males and they can take bold moves when they want sex. The former holds true for anyone. People do all kinds of stupid things if they lack knowledge. That’s the double edged beauty of knowing things. It can be uplifting but at the same time could be a huge burden. At least that’s how I view it.
I have a good friend where we sometimes get into heated discussions over the foreign policy of America. He firmly believes in preemptive striking other nations – he believes in terror. I think it’s against the constitution and that we shouldn’t be the world police. Yesterday it became a discussion about Israel. At which point I had to plead ignorance. He claimed that Israel is highly valuable to America but when I asked for one reason why, he couldn’t give me one (I did give a stipulation that it could not be about religion – mind you I know he’s jewish). But stood firm on how valuable Israel is.
He then asked me to do some research as to why it’s so valuable. So I put my sleuthing hat on last night and did some digging around on some history sites and wikipedia. I learned some very interesting things about Israel, but none of those things led to a valuable reason as to why we’re allies (other than to piss off other middle east countries). In reality, many of the things I read about led me to think it’s a case of ‘with friends like this, who needs enemies’.
I put it all together in an e-mail, point by point, with my thoughts and the response I got this morning was “what are my sources?” In other words, my simple outline of what has happened historically in the region since 1949 doesn’t fit the rhetoric he’s come to believe. Alas, we’ll have to leave it as a disagreement and move on.
Which leads me to my choice for today. Politics. A song I wrote that’s all about the corruption of money and power. So I’m utilizing my own power to promote myself (or at least my first band) here. 🙂 My mom once mentioned that she felt I could be a great speaker, based on hearing the faux speech at the beginning of the song. Yes, that voice speaking is me. No, I don’t really have an aspiration to be a politician. Do think about the noisy buildup of people cheering, partying, and dissing the speaker – it’s commentary on our political system. I have a tendency to distrust those who do think being a politician should be a full time career for life, it’s not logical. The initial fabric of the American political system was designed to be run by anyone of a certain age or older.
Want to see real change in this country other than rockin’ guitars and drum clinic type grooves? Then find a charismatic leader who is 35 years old. That would be serious change. At least I think so. Not some stodgy 70+ year old who’s made several runs at it. If track record is no object as it has now become a front burner then the ticket ought to be Obama and Palin. No, I don’t support either one. I actually prefer the mindset of another former candidate that I’ve lauded in posts here before.
In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the groove laid down that isn’t the status quo for a bluesy-hard-rock type of tune. In case you’re wondering and even if you’re not, the time signature on the verse is 5/4. Yet it still flows and works good. It’s against the grain. It’s definitely a change from the norm. So far in relation to all the current rhetoric, the only people that were for change have been ignored by the media. Very sad.
I do think you ought to add this to your library, if for no other than the fact on the title alone. Who doesn’t get riled up at a little politics?