What is class? Is it a style? Is it a way of life? Is it a place to learn? Class can describe a bunch of things. Someone can handle themselves with class. Class can be a system of economics. Class can describe a way to learn.
Brittney Spears isn’t likely to be considered classy for her actions – human yes. Whereas someone like Julia Roberts might be. Vince Neil might not be considered classy, but Justin Timberlake might be. Class in that sense is a combination of things. Education, appearance and demeanor. There are times when you can be classy and a times when you’re not. We’re all human and chances are, no one is classy 100% of the time.
For today class is going to mean I’ll be learning something. I can’t say for sure if people think I’m a class act. I would hope so. The learning I’ll be doing today has more to do with entertainment. How to be more effective with getting a part right for performance. That will be the class I’m attending this evening and weekly for the next several weeks.
And because class has something to do with increasing and education or elevating a status, lets go with a song that on the surface is a classless title. However, as the song goes on it’s obvious there is much more than the surface. For a moment I was thinking that I had met Cracker once. Then I was mistaken. It was actually Everlast that I had once sat down next to at an Apple Genius bar. That’s another post and story altogether.
For this song, which contains a bizarre organ sound that reminds me of a carnival, I recommend listening to the lyrics. There’s a full on story there. The story is quite funny. Sadly many artists find out about the results of such a story the same way. The allure of the fame somehow clouds the ability to remain level headed about the business of being paid properly for what is created.
In a way, this song is a class to artists dying to be signed and made famous by a major label. School’s in session and being taught by Cracker, so pay attention and learn how to not to get sucked in without getting sucked in return!
Support the teacher, buy the song.