Actually it’s more like a fog is lifting. I’ve had a summer cold since labor day. Not exactly sure where I had picked it up but it’s been a bit annoying. A little draining. Definitely a lot of nose blowing. This morning though I woke up with an easier to breath feeling. I actually felt like I had a bit more energy that I’ve had for the past couple of weeks. That is exciting.
It’s a mostly clear day in terms of a schedule. There are some calls to be made. And I am going to be seeing a private screening of a new movie tonight. So that should be fun. I will spend time today working on lyrics for a song and also listening to Katy Perry as I have to write something in her style in the near future. Though I’ve heard some of her songs, I’ve never picked them apart to know how they’re done.
Because I’m thinking about it and the fact I’m doing a song in that style, I’m bringing you a Katy Perry song now. I haven’t heard Waking Up In Vegas until now so lets dive into the first thoughts…
The story is funny, as most of her stuff is. Generally very tongue in cheek. Musically speaking I’m hearing lots of ideas that are slightly updated 80’s ideas in terms of the guitars. I say it’s like a tame very of a metal guitar riffs. As it’s been said by teachers of mine, and by historians as well, things go in cycles. The 70’s had a resurgence a few years back, thus it must be time for the 80’s to start having a come back as well right?
The video is funny too. It’s an all too well type of story about falling in love, getting rich by the luck of love and then having it all fall apart.
As a song it builds like any good song would. Adding parts and bringing in all sorts of ear candy bit by bit. Then bam, the prechorus kicks in and it’s off to the races. All the elements for a hit pop song are in there. Probably a good reason why it’s part of a winning CD that she’s got on her hands. Dontcha think?
Go get it for yourself.