Keeps the doctor away. That’s the old wive’s tale anyway. The good and the bad of this last week has been my health. The good thing is, there have been times that the ringing in my ear has gone away. Even the muted sensation I’ve had abated a bit. However, both have come back today. Ick. I’ve gone from having a stuffy head, to massive chest coughing, to a major sore throat, to more coughing, to stuffy head again. It’s moving around and it’s annoying.
I currently sound like I’m on my death bed when I speak because of all the coughing. It’s not pleasant. I haven’t been ill in quite some time so I’m not used to it, and I don’t like it. Ugh. It’s exhausting and I’m ready to get other stuff done. The bright side of this is that, I’m under the impression when said illness goes the way of the dodo bird, my hearing will be intact and all will be right in the world.
In the meantimes, I’ll pull a rabbit out of my hat and say that I think Fiona Apple had a shot at being a megastar. She had insanely cool musical ideas and was working with one of the most brilliant musicians I’ve ever seen, Jon Brion. I mean that boy is probably the most diverse and talented musician to ever grace a stage. He’s unbelieveable, the kind of player that makes you want to rethink why you play. He can inspire as well. But imagine all that in one person who can play and shred on pretty much any instrument. Guitar, bass, piano, drums, vocals, chamberline, vibraphone, etc… the man is music.
At some point I’ll blog about a particular night where I got a chance to play with him briefly at Cafe Largo in Los Angeles (West Hollywood).
Anyway, the primary reason why I ended up every listening to Fiona Apple was because of that association with Jon Brion. As you may or may not know, Fiona has had some issues with performing. While I’ve never seen her play, I have heard and read about her temperment. If the media stories are correct it’s a damn shame. Essentially it could be the reason as to why her career never got past the shooting star faze.
Despite this, I still dig the album Tidal. I didn’t end up collecting anything else she did. I do recommend that album and this song. Love it.
(** Disclaimer: If Ms. Apple’s label or herself decides I need to put to sleep, I’ll start counting away the 1’s and 0’s of the audio on the server as they disappear. The post will remain to remind me of the up’s and down’s we all have. **)