I’m in the midst of working on a song, that is already written and for the most – tracked, with a co-writer. He came to me looking to do something that was akin to my song called Do You Want To Play. I figured hey why not. So we sat down, wrote the song, then demoed it out. It’s gone past the demo stage and has reached production stage. In fact we do have one version, actually a whole bunch of American versions that are done. Though I am waiting on him to send me those mixes.
I’m at the stage now where I’m knocking out other versions for more teams from around the globe. Additionally I have to come up with a little tutorial to make sure others we bring in to do versions in other languages can follow the steps and knock it out with little hassle. Need to streamline so to speak and make it easy. That’s what’s on my agenda today. Writing the tutorial and then singing ever more versions.
Then once I’ve done that it’s on to ever more work on the Calysto Bourne project that I’ve taken on.
Let’s get to some music.
Today we have an American transplant living in the Netherlands, Kayleigh Leith. She hails from Pittsburgh but life has taken her overseas. Who’d think that some good country music would come from so far away. Then again, topping a lot of country charts recently has been an Australian going by the name of Keith Urban. It can’t be that weird right?
I’m not hearing a ton of country in this particular song. Then again, a lot of country music these days is really pop with a slight twang in the voice. This doesn’t stop Kayleigh from putting some good writing into a song. I listened to several songs this morning and liked many of them. This one stuck with me since so many people recently seem to do this – show different versions of themselves.
It’s got a good mellow flow that is easy to drift with. I recommend exploring more from this artist who has taken her life to the land of the tall. I’m fond of the Dutch. But then I’m tall, and I’ve got Dutch in my family tree.