One of the dumbest things one can do in the information age is update software without backing up the old version first. Such is the case for Single of the Day. I made the mistake of updating the widget that allows the audio to play the featured song of the day. The result? The player appears to load but then disappears. Unfortunately I did not make a backup of the plugin for the older version that worked perfectly fine. So at the moment I’ve now got people emailing me saying things like: you realize that the site no longer plays the song right?
Yes I’m aware. yes, I’m attempting to find an older version of the player. Yes, I’m in contact with the creator. Hopefully I can find a fix and get it resolved before too long.
In light of that oops. I will say that Apple has taken the idea of updating a program to a new step. Recently the audio software that I use for recording was updated to a whole new version. It’s now capable of running in 64bit mode. Apple in their infinite loop wisdom did something a little different in that this update leaves a copy of the old program on the computer while saving a new version as well. The smart thing about this is it allows people like me to go back to the old version without trouble if the new version is not working as it should.
I realize for a lot of people this would mean the extra step of having to delete the program later. If you need hard drive space that could be a problem. Most people have plenty of drive space.
Seeing that I’m lamenting the fact that you won’t be able to hear today’s post. I’m opting not to post a song today. Instead I’ll impart the wisdom I usually follow that is, make a backup before you update. I’m obviously having to deal with the fact that I didn’t follow my own advice.
Now go enjoy your day!