There’s an adage that goes: If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.
That can be true to a certain extent. Though I’ve been relating the word ‘try’ to = fail. If I ‘try’ to throw a pencil at the floor, I’ll never do it. However, if I throw the pencil and it hits the floor, I’ve succeeded – I didn’t try. If I didn’t hit the floor with the pencil, I committed effort but failed.
The idea of a second chance is something a lot of people want. Hell, I know I’ve been one to want more than one go around at something. I think that may be part of my funk that I was in. I was dealing with something that had already sorta involved a second try and despite liking what was going on, I knew it wasn’t going where it should. A third try would likely only prolong the problem.
Second try’s or chances also happen in work. I was hired to sing a movie trailer last Friday. Late Friday night I got an email stating that the lyrics were changed and the song would have to be resung Monday morning (today). I actually appreciated it. I will ask for additional funds because a second performance, but the revised lyrics actually made the song easier to sing. That’s a great thing. The song will sound better, the product will end up being better – that’s a win/win.
Despite a computer setback in the studio, I’ll be forging ahead on another musical project that I’ve been working on for about a month now. It will result in a weird sitting position in the studio due to location of hard drives, but will at least allow me to put additional time in on the project and help get it closer to finished.
Which brings me a to a tune by Nelly Furtado called Try. It reminds me of things people do to connect more with others, especially those that they like. While I think the word try isn’t the best verb, it at least shows an effort – but it might be a losing proposition if your heart isn’t there. We all want second chances or second tries with someone in our lives.
I like the intimate nature of the song as it starts. The little bits and pieces of musical bits as they come in add additional layers each time. The song continues to grow all the way thru which is something that can happen (and generally does) as we grow and go thru the trials we face in life.
Enjoying the groove, the layers, the beats, the vocals? Go get the song and add it in to your life.