There comes a time when one has to look to outside sources for things. I’m putting some feelers out today to see if I can enlist some people I know to do something different for them. The end result will be something different for me as well. Chances are it will be a great change of pace all the way around. Until I get some feedback from those I’ve contacted, I’ll keep it under additional wraps…
A buddy of mine is planning a bike ride today so I should be getting outside in the sun on my bike and having some fun. Provided my calves will take it. Seems my running barefoot on thursday really did a number on my calves. Maybe that’s the real key for me. I’ve always had sorta wimpy looking calves but the workout they got from running barefoot (and I thought it was just my quads) seems to prove that I need to do it more. It will likely take me a month or two to work up the distance I would normal go in shoes. Mostly due to the muscles in the legs and the foot skin getting used to it.
Before I get out the door on the bike adventure I’m making some French Chocolate Ice Cream. Yum. Then it’s studio time to finish editing the last bit of audio for the library. Which should give me the ability to attack some deals next week that have been too long in the making.
Because I’m reaching out to some peeps today I’m going to run with a song called Friends by one of my friends Jeff Soto. This song was written for his son. Jeff is a busy cat and wanted to give his son a way to think of him and to know he’d always be there. What amazes me is how much Jeff runs around and still finds time to think of people in his life.
There’s no doubt that the vocals are the standout on this song. I remember learning that he recorded this on a TASCAM 8 track machine and being surprised at the quality achieved. I’m a child of digital so tape is generally pretty foreign to me. Though I did have a TASCAM 4 track myself when I first started learning to play – never got quality like Jeff did. Digital really got me going. I jumped on it and didn’t look back. I have learned a lot from cats who cut their teeth on tape. I now apply that technique to digital and interestingly enough it’s turning some big heads that have been in the biz for a long time.
Jeff always works with a lot of great players. All of whom tend to stick with the music biz in one way or another. Probably due to the fact they have talent. Like players tend to stick together and help each other out. Jeff has always been one of those types and for that I truly appreciate the friendship I have with him.
He’s now out on tour with one of the TSO bands, so check him out. Explore his site and bug him to get this on iTunes and whatnot.