Different things happened last night. Hell, even yesterday. It began with phone calls, then moved to doing things puppy. There was some editing of audio for the PR video as well. Then came some practice time for the show that happened last night. Then there was a quick jaunt to see a friend perform in a new band, prior to me playing that is. It was their birthday so there was a card and a little gift. There was discussion of some things on the walk back to my show with another friend of things related to life.
There is something different in the wind lately. I was actually asked about it twice last night. Looking back on the last couple of weeks, yeah, I can say there is difference coming around. I believe I’ve mentioned the change of hair cut and color. Apparently its drastic enough that I’m kinda unrecognizable. I did it for a change, pure and simple. Last weekend I got a puppy. What a change that has been. I got a new agent this week, another change. A recent meeting a few months ago has become something that is leading to great stuff for Hero Unexpected.
Another change in the wind has to do with meeting new people. Or for me it’s more of people meeting me. A couple of weeks ago I had a first where a girl I was talking to ended up giving me her number. I didn’t ask for it, that was a first. To be given something without asking. Last night was similar. A friend was at my show who has played music with me. I mentioned it from the stage. This prompted a girl to go meet him in order to meet me. As my hair dresser is telling me this morning. When it rains it pours. Enjoy it. Of course I am. 🙂
I figure a post like this is more like me blowing air. In searching thru my library I found a little ditty by a famous guitar player who as it turns out has a song called Air Blower. Jeff Beck has an insanely amazing talent for playing the guitar and coming up with cool lines and melodies. This is no exception.
Great twists, solid drumming, cool retro vibe. Ok, so when it was actually recorded it wasn’t retro. Smokin bass and keys. It just works. As it should. If you’re not familiar with this Beck, you need to be. Pure and simple.