You you’re into your day when you suddenly realize, shit, I haven’t made my blog post yet for my daily musings on life and music. I’ve stopped keeping track on how often I’ve been doing that. It used to be that I’d have the post done before the next day is out. However, I’ve wanted to stop constantly having my lappy in my bed at night before I go to sleep.
For some reason my day got off to an early start. I woke up long before I expected to. I had a little time to squeeze some fresh OJ from my tree and make a little toast with spread on it. Then Mike came over and we took off for the beach to do a little bike riding up and down the ocean. Lots of people out and about getting sun and exercising. He had to cut it short so we were back by noon. From there I ran around town picking some things up to fix a chair and to grab Apples To Apples as an addition to tomorrow night’s festivities.
I got a call from my mom who is currently visiting my sister and helping her pack up her apartment so she can move into the new house she bought. Her computer is not booting up. Of course being the resident tech geek of the family I had to troubleshoot it. Only to realize that most likely it is a case of bad ram in her machine.
Once home, I cut out the plywood to make a new seat for the stool that needed repair. I made a late lunch. Got a call from Robert about the punk tracks. I’m in need of his remixes and vocal versions (8 in all). I chatted online with a couple of friends. Then it was into the studio where I spent the rest of the afternoon up till now doing mixes for all my remixes and double checking all the mixes I’ve done for the project so far.
Femke asked me if I would help her move tomorrow, several days ago. I said I’d help, which was part of the reason why I decided to work into my saturday night. Of course while chatting today I was told not to worry about it. She has a roommate in each place who is going to help. Thus I’m now going to have my whole sunday free, until game night begins. Provided Robert isn’t able to finish his files. Which means, I may do another bike ride (a longer one) with Mikey tomorrow. Then I will likely head out on a random drive to somewhere in southern california. I should get back in time to finish a song I’ve been working on, as I only have one line in the second verse and the bridge to put a rough vocal down for.
As a musician it’s a lot like the work is never done. Sound familiar to a 9 to 5 job position? It should. The difference is, the hours tend to be longer and at completely non scheduled intervals. I think I need to write a song about working. A vast majority of people on the planet would likely relate to it. Looking thru my library I notice there aren’t a lot of songs that I possess that are about the daily grind. Hmmm…
I do have the one you’re listening to right now. Caroline’s Spine with their epic – Work Song. Very upbeat, high driving vibe. It’s probably a good thing as most people need a little pump action to unwind before a stressful day of work right? I know that Femke has a tendency to take on a whole lot at one time. Today and this evening is no exception. She called while I was writing this looking for her capo thinking she may have left it in my guitar case. Instead I found a piece of her guitar strap. She’s supposed to be performing in 30 minutes and is about 40 minutes away from the venue and hasn’t left yet. Not because of being lazy either. It’s a good thing the booker loves her.
Precisely what this song you’re hearing now is all about. Getting the job done and hopefully doing it before you die.
Getting back to it, I’m diggin the guitar riffs, they’re pounding, as are the drums. The vocals coming in rapid fire fashion are very much showing off the stress level that I would think people feel as they’re getting behind at work. Caulk one up for Caroline’s Spine and if you haven’t gotten the CD or the song, go now. You won’t regret it.