Please replace me.
That is the sentiment of the battery that supplies the juice to my lappy. My workhorse. The battery has been what Apple would called ‘consumed’ since late August. Being that I’ve pretty much been studio bound and around the house I haven’t had a strong need to replace it. However, I think the battery has become a bit more unhappy. Last night the computer actually shut down despite the power plug was in it.
Thus today while I’m out with a gaggle of girls (mom, sis, and mom’s best friend), I’ll pop into an Apple store and purchase a replacement battery. That should appease the computer gods that run computers based on batteries.
Speaking of things that should have been replaced or even updated…
Imperial Drag has finally reached the digital services. Thus I’m going to get you hooked on the peeps that created some of the coolest music like a decade ago. I know I’ve featured a song of theirs a long while back on a Sunday. However, now it’s time to update them to regular status cause you can explore them digitally.
Spyder. First, a kick ass intro. That very much describes a whole lot of what I like about rhythm “laid back”. Most musicians have a real hard time hitting that sweet spot of laid back. Then kicks in a drum intro with a hooky guitar riff. Add to it a vocal that is very much instantly recognizable. Eric Dover has a unique voice.
The lyrics describe a drug dealer who will change your life. Not something I can easily relate to however, the story is so well told that I can envision the feelings. Thus I then relate to it vicariously. Now the whole song goes thru a very sly groove, then there comes the ending. It’s changes to a completely different little groove on the fade. Add to that, musicians that are highly talented and can play the shit out of their instruments and you’ve got what adds up to song perfection.
I encourage you to explore the whole CD. If you’re really lucky you might get to hear some demos in the future that I’ve procured. Get Spyder by legal means now!