Gimme an H, gimme a U, gimme an N, gimme a G, gimme an O, gimme a V, gimme an E, gimme an R. What does that spell?
Woo Hoo. Last night as a lengthy night of drinking and debauchery. I crashed the TAXI road rally for fun. Mostly due to Derek Sivers giving me a call saying he’d be there. While there I bumped into some friends I hadn’t seen in a while. But the fun came upon meeting a couple chaps from Scotland. We were having so much fun that they decided to have me along for drinking.
As night wore on, we got more and more people joining the fray which ended up on the rooftop of the hotel. It became an international affair with people from Ireland, Scotland, England, and Canada. On the hotel’s helicopter pad. Nothing like exchanging music and ideas, a bunch of alcohol, and watching planes line up to fly into LAX.
It was an adventure.
I’m about to head into a writing session. My head is a little clogged from the fog of last night or rather this morning. Not getting home until 5 a.m. is a little rough sometimes. Thus I’m in need of this ditty to explain how it kinda feels in that I need to get out, but I’m not sure what the way out is. But I really like the way this leads.
The prancing beat. The beating guitar, the kick ass vocal melody. It’s all working. I really like his style. How about you?
Go clear your head and find a way out!