There’s one thing that seems to be missing right now… What is that one thing Jody? Well, I’ll write it down. A sense of humor. Why is that missing?
Political Correctness.
Of course it’s more than that. However there is a whole lot about attempting to not piss someone off that has an entire country walking on eggshells – at least with the politicians. It’s no state secret that I’m not religious, but I do have a sense of morality. As can be quoted from a Kevin Spacey movie: Every creature in the universe knows right from wrong.
Media outlets will do the occasional story about behavior, but its more lip service than anything. I remember watching a CNN clip a couple of weeks ago where they were talking about phone etiquette. Particularly cellphone etiquette. A number of businesses I frequent now post a no cell phone sign. Places like the bank, the post office, and other places. There’s really no cool place to be in a queue and yapping away on your cell phone about your love life or your health.
My newest pet peeve is the cell phone in the movie theater. No one is so important that they need to whip out their cell phone in a darken movie theater to either take a call or return a text message. If you’re that important, take it outside so I don’t have to be distracted by the screen glowing in the dark. Besides, you paid $11 to see a movie, why spend the money if you’re not going to watch it?
Don’t even get me started on the whole concept of the [insert country here]-American connotation. If you’re born in America, you’re American. If you’re born somewhere else and naturalize, then you’re American. I don’t care the color of your skin or the language you speak. We’re like any country, we have a recognized language with some dialects and whole lot of different backgrounds. But it’s still one country. Come on, if I permanently moved to France I wouldn’t be American-French. If I did the same with Ireland I wouldn’t be American-Irish. Let’s put the slicing it up into smaller pieces thing to rest. It’s silly.
Is political correctness an American disease? Hmmm…
Thus comes a musical friend of mine: TJR. He’s written a song that has a lot of irony in it. The kind of irony that could easily offend those without a sense of humor or are way too ingrained with Political Correctness.
Jesus Loves You (Everyone else thinks you’re an asshole).
Obviously this has a musician slant on the video, but it could easily be translated to cell phone etiquette or political correctness, what have you. It’s all part of human behavior. Leave it to a rockin’ blues player to come up with a fun little ditty to express what so many people can think but won’t stand up and wipe out. I think it would be wise to do multiple versions of the song. TJR could pick out specific politicians or other people or groups to pinpoint the whole thing about being an asshole.
So sit back and enjoy the mellow strumming pattern, the bouncy guitar solo and the funny quips. Then pick up the song (legally, because you know right from wrong), and play it anytime you’re about to be an asshole, or blast it at someone when you’re sure they’re being an asshole.
Go have a great day – without being an asshole 😉
Thanks Jody!
You know I hadn’t thought about that…..writing multiple versions of the song to fit specific groups and people.
I will have to give that some thought.
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Something to consider for sure. It can help grow the traction on the song. Maybe even offer fans an opportunity to purchase a custom version with a name they provide…