Sometimes you want to believe something. You want to believe it so much that you become blinded to what is really going on. Case in point. The meetings in Las Vegas… Bogus. Unfortunate. It’s a minor setback. Thanks to two of us doing a lot of due diligence we determined it was a shell game. Fortunately I’m only out my time, but not that much of it as I got to visit friends while I was there.
The plus side of the situation is that I made a good friend out of it. That new friend has turned out to be a damn good shot in the arm and ally. In a nutshell, I’ve kicked out of a funk, found out some valuable information and got wheels in motion on something that was lying dormant waiting. In addition, something that was in motion and lying dead for the past 60 days is now coming back to life. Thus several things have changed. Despite the terrible motives that cornered me in Vegas, it’s been something that apparently needed to happen for me to meet this guy.
The saying pulling the wool over your eyes comes to mind with some of this stuff I’ve been through. I’m glad I’m not bumping into walls with a blindeye. Speaking of a blindeye I’m pounding into your ears a little ditty from one of my favorite singers of all time – Doug Pinnick. Apparently he now likes to go by dUg Pinnick. dUg is the mastermind behind Poundhound. Another way for me to tie in Poundhound and dUg is that he is the main force with King’s X. Despite being rooted in an era gone by it’s a band that I can’t ignore.
I feel like I’ve been asleep at the wheel when I discuss this stuff with friends. All this music business STUFF (and it really is just stuff). Thus getting a dose of dUg is always a good thing for me so that I can free my mind from anything but killer grooves and music. One thing I can say about Poundhound is that it’s impossible for any living breathing human to not feel the swing of the groove that dUg puts into his songs. I think if I were to play the CD for someone unsuspecting, they would still bob their head in rhythm with the music. It’s that magnetic. It’s that powerful. It’s that inspiring.
I got to meet dUg once. He’s an extremely gracious and cool guy. Very nice. Very warm and accepting to fellow musicians who show their appreciation for his talent. I’ve been compared to his voice once or twice. That’s extremely flattering to me. One that someone would know who dUg is, and two that they could even hear that quality in my voice. To that end, I have to say that not owning this CD as part of your musical library is a travesty. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to iTunes or Amazon right now and get this music. You’ll be happy you did. Plus you’ll be a winner in my book.
(** Disclaimer: if dUg’s label decides I’m not opening eyes in a good way, I’ll have to pound the audio off the server. The post will remain to show that I hope your eyes are not covered in wool. **)