Well, it didn’t rain yesterday. It only kept threatening. Oh well. Today is a different story. It’s a sunny out with a few clouds in the sky. The birds are going nuts with tons of chirping. Thus they must be happy the sun is back. How lame is it when I’m actually blogging about the weather two days in a row?
A few minutes ago I did have something weird happen. I was working on something in the studio with the computer. Then all of a sudden the UPS beeps and a second later the computer shut off. Not cool. These battery backup units are supposed to warn you, then give you time to shut down. Not just shut stuff off with no warning. Thus today might mean a trip to Fry’s to get a new battery backup with more power.
In the meantime, I’m going to stick with this guitar oriented theme again today. Since I’m feeling a little spaced out I figured I’d think about a famous alien, you know the weird phone home guy E.T. How funny is it that an extra terrestrial is named E.T.?
Anyway Dennis Lotka has created a nice little ethereal piece that captures the concept of space. Lots of little noises, always good for mystery. Lots of little Satriani type figures in the beginning (all the tapped figures). Interesting I suppose in that Satriani’s second CD is called Surfing With The Alien. Though that was more of a reference to the Silver Surfer from Fantastic Four fame. The scope of this song E.T. is actually that it feels more like an intro into the title song from the CD which is Dreamland. That’s where the music starts to take off. My implication is that you’d be better off getting the whole CD rather than this one song.
While it’s a completely different vibe from Preston Reed, it’s still connected in that they’re both competent guitar players who have a good command for instrumental stuff. Don’t you think?