There must be something to the name Charles/Charlie which in turn gets nicknamed to Chuck. For those not in the know there is a movie currently in theaters called Good Luck Chuck. It’s a male oriented romantic comedy. Come to think of it, that’s a rather strange concept isn’t it? A ‘male oriented’ + romantic comedy? Thinking about it right now, I’m not sure I can name one, though I’m sure there are others. Why am I talking about it? I took a breather last night and ventured out to see it. I’m a fan of Dan and Jessica, so I figured why not.
Before I get too in depth though, I will say that based on seeing the movie, I find some parallels between the Charlie in the movie and the Charles of my own being. It’s kinda scary to think about some of the things that seem like mere coincidence. But it can be nothing more than that. My best friend is not a plastic surgeon. I’m not a dentist. I don’t remember any hexes being thrown my way.
** Spoilers ensue, read at your own risk **
This is not a high budget extravaganza. It’s a quirky little movie that has some rough edges but the story and the comedy win out. Put lightly I was laughing pretty hard at a lot of the movie, it’s got the comedy timing that is perfect in a lot of it. The gist of the story is a guy who was hexed as a kid during a night of spin the bottle. The hex essentially allows any woman that sleeps with him (Chuck) or more to the point has sex with him to marry the next man they meet. Thus we learn early on that Charlie is considered to be a good luck charm for women. Then he meets Cam and he wants it to stop because he’s falling in love. What’s not to like about Jessica, I mean Cam right?
When I hear a song in a movie that strikes me, I’m generally bound to sticking around to watch the credits. In this case it’s what you’re hearing today. The song in question is by a band called The Feeling. What struck me about it was it’s throwback quality that is married to a modern sound. Uh, what?!? Ok, what I mean is this: I hear elements of stuff like The Cars and the Jellyfish, plus elements of say guitar god type playing ala maybe Satriani, combined with a clean crisp mix of a more current Fall Out Boy type thing. What’s great is, it works for me.
It’s also a perfect song for the movie for the montage sequence they used it over. It’s almost as if the song were written for the movie, or visa versa the movie sequence was written with the song in mind. Go figure. Either way, the song itself is extremely catchy for a chorus. Plus the little RCA dog turn the head thing happens in the middle with the guitar-god type solo that retains it’s musicality. Combining the new with the old = a happy alternative.
If I were this band, I would see if it were somehow possible to replace this video with the montage from Good Luck Chuck. It’s a much more effective use of the song to video component. Oh well. Enjoy and purchase!
(** Disclaimer: If the Feeling’s label decides to start bombarding me with calls, I’ll have to call off the video link. The post will remain to show that I’m realizing the parallels to the movie. **)