It’s the oddest thing, and I’m sure lots of people on this planet end up going through it at some point in their lives. I’m even willing to bet it’s not something you willfully like to do and that is getting poor sleep. Being a musician I tend to have hours that are a little skewed compared to those who hold regular 9 to 5 type jobs. The difference is that often times I still need to be up to conduct business. So I’ll go through periods where I’m getting little sleep in an effort to get more done.
Sometimes though, as in the past week, the sleep just isn’t as good so I don’t feel rested when I wake up. That to me is downright annoying. I don’t want to get extra sleep as that’s probably not the answer. Gotta wonder if it’s a stress thing. Like if you’re feeling pressured or something. I’m sure that could be a cause. Maybe it’s a heat thing, though I tend to run A/C through the night because i prefer cooler temperatures. Even so, I can get overheated, that’s not fun.
I’m hoping this will subside in the next few days and I get back on being able to have good ‘ol rest.
I’m betting The Perishers feel the same way at times. I never thought of writing a song about lack of sleep. Though I bet I could come up with some crazy creative stuff from a lack of sleep. Actually I already do, what am I saying. 🙂
I’m reminded of some sort of Coldplay type of vibe listening to these guys. In a way the irony of listening to this song gives me a desire to actually lay down and catch some zzzzz’s. Oy that’s odd. However, that’s the power of a well written song that promotes through the music the message that the words are expressing. The music has a lulling feel. It also has a slightly dreamy quality to the production. The vocals are soft and wilty. So thus that would be why.
Do you feel sleep deprived? Do what I’m going to do when the song ends…
Catch a quick power nap.
(** Disclaimer: If The Perishers’ label decides they’re not fond of sleep induction, I’ll have to put the audio to bed. The post will remain to show what I’m not getting much of as of late. **)