Ever wake up in a pool of sweat having been startled out of a dream where you’re flying with hundreds of cute little cherubs but then start falling when they disappear and you’re about to hit the ground? You wake up breathing heavy like you’ve forgotten to breath for 2 minutes. Gulping air. Maybe it’s just me. I wonder if I’ve been saving breath and forgotten that it’s not possible to save it from a physical standpoint.
How about when running? There are times when I’m running and I’m pushing it a bit hard and I hit a point where I realize wow, I better start breathing faster and harder to catch up to where my body is taking in some air. Generally that happens when I get very warm. I’ll tell ya it sure feels good when I’m finished and I can lie down and run some cool water over my neck. Again, not a good time to save breath but rather take a lot of it.
Oh I get it, saving your breath has to do with speaking. 🙂
Just kidding, I knew that. It does seem at this point in our information age that a good deal of people have a very lack of being able to close a mouth and listen. I’ve been told that in person I can be intimidating because I don’t tend to speak lot in all situations. But digitally I seem to have a run-on of the keyboard. At least here I do as it’s my way of putting new songs in front of ya.
Wes Restless is one of those few Hip Hop artists that I’ve come across that I’ve actually said to myself, self – this is pretty fresh from a rap thing. The loop is holding a good groove. The piano riff is painting a good amount of color. The synth parts add some nice atmosphere too. But it’s the conviction of the flow of his voice that is what’s really pulling me to showcase it hear.
The easy part of Hip Hop or Rap is the rhythm and beds. At least to me it is. The hard part is being able to have a great ability to put words together in a fashion that is not only rhythmic but also make sense. Then you have to add the ability to actually rap it out. I’ve worked with a fair amount of Rap and Hip Hop in my studio. I can safely say that just like singing there is a gift to having the ability to rap. Lots of people think they can, but few actually have the talent.
Thus I think that Wes has this talent. I think he’s someone to watch out for. Especially if he can bring a slightly more commercial edge to his production. Show the freshman some love. Check out his disc and let him know what you think right here.
love it.
Glad you love it. What exactly about it do you love though? Will you tell a friend too?