It’s interesting. Yesterday I was reading a post on a musician’s board that I frequent. It was about musicians that are delusional about their talent. Apparently there was a big discussion about American Idol and how some particular artist was upset about the show thinking they’re great enough to be on the show and on radio. Essentially the artist the post was about felt they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have no way to know. I didn’t go follow the thread the kicked up all the heat. I don’t have the time to.
I get a pretty fair shake at it right here at Single of the Day. I put myself out there to get music from non-signed and non-famous artists. In a way it’s a bit odd being a musician putting my thoughts out there about other musician’s music. Cans of worms come to mind. I’ve had more than a few musicians and artists submit things to me that really isn’t ready for prime time. My goal behind Single of the Day is music that is ready for prime time, but hasn’t been getting the exposure it needs. It’s tough line, mostly because I don’t wish to sit here and be like Simon from American Idol. He’s already doing a fantastic job of it (though I’m basing my assessment from only having seen literally one episode and reading news stories on the net). I prefer to write positive stuff about what I find attractive in an artist/band and their material.
Needless to say, the thread about said situation has gotten heated. I’m happy I’m not a part of it’s bigger picture. Hell, I’m just as guilty at being delusional about my musical abilities sometimes. Unfortunately I’ve got a pretty large RDF going and I continue on with it. RDF = Reality Distortion Field. Then again, I’ve got people outside my scope of friends and family that are contributing to my RDF and that’s what drives me. We’ll see where it leads this year. If things keep going as they are, there’s a good chance I’m going to open more doors for other non-signed artists than I already have. That’s a good thing.
At one point an example of artists raising the bar of success was made on those very same boards. The moderator picked 3 artists out of the 40,000+ members and publicly claimed to all the members that if they truly want to complain that labels, radio, tv, media, press, etc are holding them back, then they really need to think again. That there were at least 3 acts setting the bar/standard for non-signed and even signed artists to live up to. One band was singled out for the packaging of a CD and DVD package which was flawless along with good music. Another artist was picked out because he was also creating great music, with great art and even got nominated for a Grammy all without a label. The third artist was picked out for his video and the means of how it got made and the costs, along with the song being really good too. Essentially the moderator was saying look these three aren’t signed, and yet they’re the ones who are doing something you have to measure up to with your work. I was one of those three singled out. Liar is what I’d be branded if I said I wasn’t flattered.
Well, here I am about to say, I think Charlotte is also an artist who is raising the bar on what a non-signed or even an indie artist should be striving for. Her song is what hooked me in. I heard it yesterday, but I immediately had to look into it. The supposed bar I’m setting isn’t the same bar she’s setting. Wow, is the first thought that came to mind. Lyrically, I didn’t get my head around it at all. In fact, I had to look up what the word Stromata even means. It’s definitely heady stuff. Musicially though it’s too cool in my book.
In a way Charlotte reminds me of Kate Bush, Tori Amos hanging out at a BBQ in the backyard of Nine Inch Nails (Trent Reznor). She’s not any of those people individually, but that combination is where I think she resonates. There’s a power in the song that I can’t explain. Even on subsequent listens I still haven’t gotten into the lyrics. At some point it will probably smack me in the head. Until then, I’ll just enjoy the instrumentation, production, and arrangement. Get the song, get the CD, don’t just sit there letting life idle by without it.
If you’re having trouble with the video let me know.
p.s. – You ought to look up the meaning of Stromata, it might surprise you. And yes it is a real word.