I can’t remember when I picked up this song. I know it was purchased on my account, I just don’t remember when. Projecting back upon my lengthy trip last week, it would have been a fun song to listen to. It was a long drive. Speaking of driving, I’m probably one of the few people on this earth that really enjoys a long drive. I enjoy it even more if I’m capable of going really fast. I also really enjoy mountain roads with lots of turns. Winding canyons with overhanging trees so that it’s like you’re going through a natural tunnel is a blast too. A little snow doesn’t hurt either, it adds to the excitement.
One country that I’ve never been to yet is Germany. Thanks to information ebb and flow most people with half a nut for a brain know about a little stretch of pavement known as the autobahn. It’s official name is: Bundesautobahn, which means federal motorway. In case you’re one of those few people that is unaware of the autobahn and what makes that particular run of road so unique here is why… Large portions of them have no speed limit. There are a few areas where they have a recommended limit about 130km/h (translates to about 80mph for you Americans – don’t even get me started on the fact we should be on the metric system too).
Dream if you will of a sporty sports car that can do ungodly speeds with the drop of an accelerator pedal. That seems like something straight out of a movie, only you do have the possibility of doing it in real life. Man, when’s the next flight to Germany? I’d be up for going to explore an expensive italian rental car right now. Who’s with me? Breath in. Deep breath. Release a giant sigh and think, oh the fun it would be.
Some other interesting things about driving. There’s a city in Holland I believe that is now experimenting with removing many street lights and road signs. Essentially allowing you to drive as you see fit but the result is that you pay more attention when you drive. The concept is akin to some sort of chaos theory. So far it’s been working out well for them and they’ve apparently already seen a drop in accidents, especially ones that involve bodily harm. All because they’re putting the power of responsibility back in the hands of the driver. Imagine that, you control you destiny and are responsible for your actions (you can search CNN.com for the video titled cars gone wild). Hello, congress/senate – can you wake up and stop over regulating our freedoms here in the US?
There is another area where you can go really fast. It’s here in the states. Well a state anyway. The state of Montana apparently has areas where there is no posted speed limit. However if you get caught going a bit too fast for conditions, you’ll get a ticket for wasteful consumption of an unrenewable natural resource (i.e. gas/oil). At least I’ve heard that. I’ve not actually had the pleasure of doing any driving in Montana. I did have a roommate at one time who was from Montana – Pete Drefs.
As far as Spymob is concerned. I just like the way the intermingled the electronica aspects of their song. It gives me the vibe that I’m driving somewhere out on the autobahn going very fast and living the dream.
(** Disclaimer: If Spymob’s label decides to send me up the road, I’ll be plowing the audio off the server. The post will remain to express my driving thoughts. **)