There’s a fight going on. It’s happening somewhere where it feels like a bad TV show. For a portion of the world it’s not a bad TV show but rather a reality. That place is Iraq, or is it iRaq? Whatever the reason was for Bush to get his fingers dirty in this mess, it doesn’t matter now. What matters is that it’s been going on for a stupid long time. Can anyone say Vietnam? I’m going to make a prediction.
At this point Bush has sorta admitted he made a mistake with the time frame. He currently would like to add an additional 20,000 troops in order to do a “community” sweep of the country to make it safe. Unfortunately history is teaching us otherwise. This plan reeks of Rumsfeld. He was around for Vietnam right? The idea at that time was to do a section by section securing of the country to make it safe. It didn’t work then, it’s not gonna work now. What Bush is doing is buying time for his political party to save face. Then when election time comes he can spout how his plan to make communities safe in Iraq allows for democracy to take hold. At which point he can see my opposers were wrong. It happened in Vietnam and it gave control back to Nixon’s cronies. Time will tell if I’m correct here.
If America were truly committed to stopping the lunacy in Iraq, we’d just send the entire military in, take care of business and then leave. Instead, we’ve committed too few to do a job adequately. A job that was meaningless in the first place. At this point it’s game and won that can’t be won. But what’s a country to do? We’ve got a commander in chief who thinks he’s a dictator attempting to make bold moves that have done nothing but make us less free in the process. Woo Hoo.
Metric is a band out of Canada, by way of the UK and the US. I think the song pretty much sums up the lunacy of Iraq right now, it’s Combat Baby. See how I’m attempting to sweeten up Bush’s thing? Much like Bush, I think Emily has a bit of that bold, I don’t care what you think of what I’m doing attitude. Out of tune on purpose in the melody line is why. Its a bold thing when a singer will sing out of the key of the band. Luckily Emily is making it work despite how weird it is – mostly because it’s only fleeting. What is Metric up to now? No clue. Maybe they can go and put a show on for Bush and sing some friggin sense into his head. Could Emily talk him into sending Jenna over for service? Or would Jenna and/or sis end up posing for Playboy to get out of the service (No need to let me know that they’re not gonna serve as it is).
(** Disclaimer: If Metric’s label to go Combat Baby on me, I’ll run for the bunker while leaving the audio out to die. The post will remain to show my disdain for silly combat. **)