Woo hoo! Time to get your oldies rock on. Seriously do I need to do a write up about this? Haven’t we all heard this one? Brenda Lee is a newly inducted star in the rock and roll hall of fame. I’m sure that as far as my memory goes I’ve heard this song since I was born.
My real first recollection of it is from a scene in a movie. It opens up with a young blond woman scantily clad in lingeré in a hotel room high over Los Angeles. Not only is the hotel room high, so is she. She’s in a haze induced by cocaine and probably PCP. She shuffles off the bed and waddles over to the balcony where she proceeds to continue right on going, up and over the railing and splat onto a car parked in the half-moon driveway of the hotel where you park when checking in. Name that movie and you can win a copy of my Christmas CD. In addition, if I have the song incorrect – you have to tell me where it is in the movie.
Otherwise this particular song hasn’t really tied itself to my Christmas memories yet. At this point though it’s now going to be tied to middle of summer for me as that was one of the songs I was recording for that huge Christmas project I’ve discussed.
As for your holiday chopping, how is it coming along. Killed anyone yet? Oops, I meant shopping. Having fun navigating the malls? Or, are you navigating the web and having everything delivered? Maybe a combination of both? Or, possibly you’re making all your gifts this year.
One question left: Do you rock around your Christmas tree?
(** Disclaimer: If Brenda Lee’s label decides to rock me around my Christmas tree, then I’ll be swingin that audio right off the page. The post will remain to ask you about your holiday chopping. **)