There are times when you’re a creative person where you know that you’re creating something brilliant but no one else but you sees it. There are plenty of stories throughout history about artists that died broke and poor. Stories that change long after they’ve died. Suddenly their creations are worth much more, sometimes millions of dollars. What the fuck is with that?
Other times there are artists who gave it everything they had and when success never materialized they give up thinking it’s over. Then somewhere done the line the success they were looking for comes knocking on their door. This is currently happening to several bands I’ve heard of. Does this mean they’re ahead of their time? I wonder.
For all the things I’ve accomplished I still feel like I haven’t had the chance to grab the brass ring by horn and command it will. As I’ve been writing recently, I’m working on a new version of my own website. In the process I’m learning a new language and brushing up on new syntax in a language I kinda knew. Unfortunately I’m beginning to hit walls in the final stages of the development which are leading to hours of frustration.
So for all you coding gurus out there, I have three things I’m in need of help on. First is AJAX form use inside of an AJAX supplied div. For some reason, this completely breaks when you’ve loaded a div dynamically using xmlHttp request. The strangest thing is, the only browser where this form works is Opera. If you can help me out, I’ll think of something great to repay you with.
Second problem stems from a similar issue. I have a photo gallery in AJAX that I’d like to make use of. It works great on it’s own page, but the moment I call it into a div with AJAX – nope, it’s like it completely falls apart. Even the guy that wrote the gallery (minishowcase) is unable to explain the issue. Again, if you can point me to an answer, I’ll think of something cool in return.
Third comes from me attempting to develop a Flash application. I have a button movie clip that works great standalone and when always on the screen. However, as soon as I wish to have it fade up or fade down when moused on or off – the buttons cease to function. I’ve run through several suggestions, none of which worked. If you know Actionscript and can make a goup of movie clips that are specialized buttons retain their ability to work when called as a movie clip fading in and out then I’m in your debt.
You can contact me directly if you wish to help out with the coding. If you live nearby, I’ll buy you a beer (provided your old enough to drink).
What does any of this have to do with Finger Eleven? Well, first off, this song wasn’t a hit when the album came out. Was it their second album? I’m not sure. Then almost a year ago, I was chilling in Park City when on TV came a show with Jennifer Love Hewitt. Well, more of a commercial for some mini movie or something that she was starring in. I could remember the chorus melody, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out the title. I mean c’mon, it was from a commercial clip so there wasn’t much to go on.
I was chatting with my ex-girlfriend Claire, who was interested in the song. I attempted to sing what I could remember and she thought she could figure it out. But since I didn’t know much of the words nor the title, it wasn’t gonna be easy. Wasn’t there a show called Name That Tune? Didn’t they have people saying they could name a song in like 3 notes. Were they given clues about the song, or just the notes?
Claire pulled an amazing rabbit out of the hat, she figured out the song. I don’t know how, but I was happy to know it. I instantly went and bought it. While listening to my new purchase I browsed the net to find out a little more about the band. Memory says the album didn’t do well, but they had some mild successes. Personally I really like the nature of the song. Lyrically it’s a bit esoteric, but then so are a lot of huge songs. Anyone know the line “Pompetus of love”? Guess what, it means nothing according to Steve.
So, since I was able to discover a great song with some help from a dear friend – ok an ex-girlfriend, I was able to extend my happiness with some help. Much like I’d like to have happen with my website. Additionally I’d bet that Finger Eleven would love to reach additional success. Now you know who they are, explore some more of their material.
(** Disclaimer: If Finger Eleven’s label decides to give me more than One Thing to think about, I’ll be deleting the audio from the server to keep my life simple. The post will remain to show that I’m begging for help on my website. **)