Well it’s that time once again to choose one of my own songs. Why not? I mean my CD did have it’s official release date last Tuesday, September 12th. So here is another song of mine, this is Going Around. Personally I find that I really like the groove on this. It’s very head-bobbing funky like to me. I imagine its the kind of song you’ve got playing while you’ve just tackled a huge uphill mountain bike ride and you’ve stood on top and felt like you conquered. Now it’s time to head back down the hill and you want a fun flow for the single track that lies ahead.
Lyrically its about people in a relationship where they’re both acting like yo-yo’s. They’re happy one moment, then unhappy the next. The process is the back and forth nature of that situation. I’m sure we’ve all experienced it at one point or another.
It’s also a good metaphor for my own situation in life. Am I happy? Am I not happy? I suppose I can have a tendency to wear that on my sleeve sometimes. Then there are other times where I’m not. It’s been a roller coaster of a week. I’m going around the cycle of the career path, seeing awards come in and then turning around and wondering if I’m meant to be a musician. I’ve never stopped playing music. I don’t know if I could. It’s all part of that what does it all mean shit that people seem to ponder upon. Or so I’ve heard.
I’ve found renewed interest in my own library of music on my computer. How? Well, silly as it sounds, Apple released an update to iTunes that makes it fun to at least watch how your music is cataloged. They have a feature called Cover Art flow. Where all your album covers for your music is lined up from left to right and it animates through the stack as you browse your music. It’s insanely neat to watch. So I’ve been going through and pruning my library of music, removing duplicates. Getting everything properly named, categorized, and with the cover art. Once I’ve done all that I will use another new feature of iTunes to create a backup copy to several DVD’s so that if my hard drive should fail, I’ll still have all my music with all the nice meta info and cover art.
To help me grow into the life I’d like to be accustomed to, I’d appreciate it if you’d buy the song. Better yet, buy my CD. Also, go down to your local record store and ask for it. If they don’t have it, like they should, then ask to speak to the manager in charge of purchasing and tell them you want the CD so you can buy it! I’ll be really happy if you do.